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And so I think, you know, it the one thing to talk about our periods or our menstrual cycle or even talking about sex I think is easier than talking about BV. Interestingly, a number of women equated sexual attractiveness with a non-odorous vagina. Women who continued to have sexual contact with their partners, generally felt very embarrassed, self-conscious and unable to relax and enjoy sex.

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Only a few women reported that their sexual practices had not really changed greatly or at all as a result of having BV. Most women were able to talk openly with their partners about BV, more commonly with regular rather than casual partners, and while many partners did not really understand what BV was, most did not want women feeling uncomfortable or inhibited because of it. I felt really able to talk, talk about it with my partner.

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You know, so, we make jokes about it. A few women however did not discuss their diagnosis or symptoms of BV with partners as they were too embarrassed or did not think their partners would understand what BV was. One participant did not tell her partners because it was not an STI and therefore did not feel she had an obligation to inform them.

For a few women that did tell their partners however, their fears and embarrassment were reinforced when partners reacted negatively to their symptoms or avoided sexual contact. I think that it affected our relationship to get worse.

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Well definitely I did keep a distance away from my friends. Most women reported that having BV did not impact on their work. Only a few women reported feeling self-conscious or uncomfortable at work when they had BV. Women working in occupations that required close contact with people such as teachers, physiotherapists, healthcare workers Unlike non-sex industry workers, the majority of sex industry workers reported that they were either unable to, limited in, or did not want to work when they had an episode of BV, which affected their earning capacity and financial security.

Of the six sex industry workers, only two reported that BV had little impact on their work or life in general, however one woman had only experienced one of her three episodes while working.

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Differences between Groups of Women As part of the study we explored possible differences in the experiences of a number of groups of women including: heterosexual women and WSW, single women and women in a relationship, and sex industry workers and non-sex industry workers. Single women were less likely to discuss their BV diagnosis with casual partners and more likely to discuss it with friends.

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Women in relationships were more likely to discuss their concerns with regular partners, but also commonly discussed their diagnosis with friends as a means of information gathering. Women in relationships tended to experience greater support as they had both partners and friends to discuss their diagnosis with.

The major difference observed between groups were among sex industry workers and non-sex industry workers where sex industry workers experienced a greater impact on their work life than non-sex industry workers.

While some women reported BV did not impact greatly on their lives, for the majority, it moderately to severely impacted on their lives, causing them a great deal of distress and anguish. Women with a higher number of recurrences and more severe symptoms tended to report a greater impact. Many women were confused about why they were experiencing recurrent BV and, frustrated about their lack of control over recurrences. The majority of women however, reported experiencing three or more episodes of BV in the past even if they had only been professionally diagnosed twice.

Our study focused specifically on BV and included heterosexual women and WSW - including a transgender participant - women from a range of ethnic backgrounds, ages and socioeconomic status and sex workers, who have their own unique and highly informed perspective on BV. But offered a chance to reconnect with someone from your past — dinner with your high school steady, for example — you might just surprise yourself by winding up in bed.

The next morning or even that night come the recriminations: Was it wrong to give that person the sexual green light when you had no intention of rekindling the emotional side of the relationship? A few weeks later, she joined him for " a wonderful weekend " in his home state. What do you have to lose? Can a casual sexual relationship exact an emotional toll? For sure, people who associate intimacy with commitment are ill-suited to sex that s as meaningful as a summer breeze; for them, the FWB arrangement would be a bad idea.

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